... is here!
The ABCD 3.0 project was successfully completed on 2019-01-31. This site gives an overview about the outcomes.
What's new?
XML Schema
We developed a new XML Schema. The changes we made were focused on element reuse, implementation of requests from the community and harmonization with the new ABCD 3.0 Ontology. A detailed documentation of all changes as well as an XPath Mapping can be found here.
ABCD Ontology
The ABCD Standard is now described as an XML Schema and an Ontology. This allows the access of the standard through semantic queries, encourages element reuse and serves as basis for future software and services in the area of semantic web. The XML Schema is linked to the Ontology via SAWSDL Annotations. An Introduction to the features of the ontology is available here.
ABCD Documentation
The ABCD Documentation is now available on GitHub, which is a step forward in the process of the targeted ABCD 3.0 Standard ratification.
XML Application Schemas
Because the ABCD Standard is now described as an ontology, it is possible to create different ABCD XML Application Schemas. The Application Schemas are containing a subset of elements of the main ABCD 3.0 XML Schema in different structure to better fit specific use cases. As proof of concept we developed a ABCD 3.0 Application Schema for Zoological Collections Data. More Application Schemas are on the way!Editorial Team
- Walter Berendsohn (BGBM)
- David Fichtmüller (BGBM)
- Falko Glöckler (MfN)
- Anton Güntsch (BGBM)
- Jana Hoffmann (MfN)
- Jörg Holetschek (BGBM)
- Mareike Petersen (MfN)
- Fabian Reimeier (BGBM)